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Showing posts from August, 2012

KLBC Activities Report for July 2012

30 June to 1 July 2012 33 rd Penang International Dragon Boat Festival 2012 The KLBar-Barians travelled north to the Pearl of the Orient to compete in their biggest competition of the year and their first outing against international teams. Click here and here for the full report. 04 July 2012 Pupils Introduction Session Organised by the KL Bar Pupils Welfare Committee, the introduction session for July was held on 4 July 2012. The session, attended by 90 pupils, was led by Harleen Kaur (Leena). Pupils were briefed on the structure of the Malaysian Bar and the KL Bar, the election to both the Bar Council and the KL Bar Committee and highlights of the Malaysian Bar. The introduction session included a session for pupils to raise issues and problems faced by them during their period of pupillage and also to come up with possible solutions. The issues raised and possible solutions suggested by the pupils at this session were: No Issue Possibl...

Criminal Advocacy from the Prosecutorsā€™ Perspective on 05.07.2012

The Criminal Practice Committee ("CPC") had organised a talk on Criminal Advocacy from the Prosecutorsā€™ Perspective, as one of its programmes to encourage more lawyers to practice Criminal Litigation and understand the same on Thursday, 05.07.2012 at 3.00pm at the KL Bar Auditorium. The Talk was presented by a CPC member, En Shamsul Bin Sulaiman who is also a partner in Edlin Ghazaly and Associates. He shared his experience as a Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) with the 44 participants who attended the talk. The Talk was moderated by the CPC Chairperson, Mr Amrit Pal Singh. Based from the evaluation form filled by the participants, the talk was quite well received. The CPC would like to record its thanks and appreciation to En Shamsul Bin Sulaiman for coming forward and generously sharing his knowledge and experience with members of the Bar. Prepared by Amrit Pal Singh,Chairperson, KL Bar Criminal Practice Committee

Report on the first KLYLC Public Interest Litigation Unit Workshop - 7 July 2012, 10am KL Bar Auditorium

The Kuala Lumpur Bar Young Lawyers Committee (KLYLC), in collaboration with the Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights (MCCHR) recently established a Public Interest Litigation Unit (PILU). PILU aims to involve lawyers, pupils and law students in the area of strategic litigation, promoting constitutional and human rights law in Malaysia and bridges the gap between lawyers interested in the area of strategic litigation and parties needing such involvement and assistance. The first out of a series of four half-day workshops on strategic litigation was held at the KL Bar Auditorium on 7 July 2012. Also in attendance were prominent lawyers of the strategic litigation area including K Shanmuga and Honey Tan. The workshop kick-started with an ice breaker session, facilitated by Edmund Bon Tai Soon ā€“ a very experienced strategic litigation lawyer in the country. He explained the importance of both listening and interviewing skills. Participants were asked to pay ful...

Monthly ITCC Tips - August 2012

Keep Calm and Keep E-grouping! If there is one common e-group most lawyers are a part of, it would be the Lawyerstalk. If you are involved in a sub-committee of a State Bar/Bar Council, chances are you are part of an e-group. Such  e-groups ensure that everyone is kept in the know of any updates/progress of matters of common interest, etc.  Yet, as anyone who is part of an e-group knows, any e-group can easily clog up your inbox with emails very quickly and thus it is more of a disabler than an enabler. Do not fear, these three tips will help you: 1. Managing your E-Groups Here are three simple steps to manage the barrage of incoming emails in any e-group that you may have joined: i) Visit (assuming it's a google group and you have a google account). ii) Click "My groups" and select "Edit Memberships". iii) Select the box "all email" and switch it to "Abridged Email" (a summary of daily emails), "Diges...

Visit to the Palace of Justice

The KL Bar Pupils Welfare Committee organised its inaugural  visit to the Palace of Justice for its pupils. 17 pupils including 6 attachment students from Japan participated in this visit which was held on Friday, 6 July 2012. All the pupils gather outside Wisma Kraftangan (where the KL Bar Secretariat is located on the 8th floor) from as early as 7.30am and enjoyed a light breakfast at the neighbouring restaurant. Our entourage departed from Wisma Krafttangan at 8.15am by coach and arrived at the Palace of Justice at 9.00am. On hand to welcome us at the Palace of Justice was DPP Encik Mohd Sabri who was also our designated guide for the day. The programme began with a video show at the conference room on the history of the Malaysian Justice System followed by a visit to the museum. The pupils also had the opportunity of witnessing a Court of Appeal proceeding at 10.30am. The visit ended with a tour of the Library at 11.45am. It was a rewarding visit for the pupils an...