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YLC shares insights into legal practice with Law Students at Taylor’s University

On 21 March 2015, members of the KLBC Young Lawyers Committee (“KLBC YLC”) made their way to the Lakeside Campus of Taylor’s University. The objective and purpose? To speak to the first and second year law students on practising law in Malaysia from a practitioner's point of view.

There were approximately 40 students who attended this event and we congregated in one of the many lecture halls in Taylor’s University.

The morning started with an introduction by Ms. Marini Arumugam and Dr. Assad, the LL.B Programme Director of Taylor’s University. This was followed by a speech from Dinesh Nandrajog, the Deputy Chairperson of the KLBC YLC and a speech from the Chairperson of the KLBC YLC.

The participants were then broken up into groups of seven to eight to facilitate informal discussions between them and the members of the KLBC YLC.  Each group was accompanied and led by two to three members of the KLBC YLC. Those sessions were then held in smaller seminar rooms for approximately two hours.

During the informal discussions, the students seemed more comfortable and at ease in such smaller groups which allowed better interaction between the students and the members of the KLBC YLC.

At the end of the session, the participants were brought back to the lecture hall for a debriefing. The Dean of the Law Faculty extended thanks to the participants as well as members of the KLBC YLC.

We hope that the students enjoyed and benefitted from the session as much as the members of the KLBC YLC did. Taking this opportunity, the members of the KLBC YLC would like to extend their appreciation to Taylor’s University for hosting us and taking the time to treat us to lunch.

Prepared by Choo Dee Wei