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Showing posts from December, 2013

KLBC Activities Report for November 2013

12 November 2013    PAC-PDC FREE Talk on ā€˜How to Report Sexual Harassment - Breaking the Wall of Silenceā€™ Jointly organised by the Practitioners Affairs Committee and the Professional Development Committee, Janice Anne Leo Selvanathan from Messrs Shook Lin & Bok presented the talk which was held at the KL Bar Auditorium at 3:00 pm on 12 November 2013. The talk was attended by 57 participants. The talk covered the following areas: "What is sexual harassment - understanding the Code", "Who is susceptible?", "What to do when you have been sexually harassed?", "What actions can be taken by your employer?" and "If your employer fails to take any action - what are your options?".   13 November 2013 Discussion with the Supervising Judge of the KL Subordinate Courts The Co-Chairpersons of the Civil Practice Committee, HR Dipendra and Arunachalam Kasi had a discussion with Puan Rohani Binti Ismail, the Supervising Judge of t...

ARTICLE: The Viability Of The Malaysian Computer Crimes Act In Defining 'Computers' In The Modern Malwareinfested Environment

By Rizal Rahman* Abstract: Defining "computers" without taking into consideration the future implications of such a definition has created a divide between law and new ICT innovations. The definition provided for in the Malaysian Computer Crimes Act 1997 takes the similar form as the one in the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of the United States, but uses the conjunctive "and" instead of "or". While it was observed as a drawback years after the Computer Crimes Act 1997 was passed, it had not been considered as being fatal to the application of the Act. This was mostly due to the fact that computers in the era were limited to desktop computers and laptops with features befitting the definition. At the same time, the usage of computers was not as widespread as today on the reason of affordability and awareness. Deployment of traditional malware (viruses, worms and Trojans) for ulterior purposes was rather limited to professional hackers with skills on...