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KLBC Activities Report for August 2012

07 August 2012
Pupils Introduction Session
Organised by the KL Bar Pupils Welfare Committee, the introduction session for August was held on 07 August 2012. The session, attended by 100 pupils, was led by Harleen Kaur (Leena) and Jason Kong. Pupils were briefed on the structure of the Malaysian Bar and the KL Bar, the election to both the Bar Council and the KL Bar Committee and highlights of the Malaysian Bar. The introduction session included a session for pupils to raise issues and problems faced by them during their period of pupillage and also to come up with possible solutions. The issues raised and possible solutions suggested by the pupils at this session were:

Possible Solution
Ethics Course - have already done so during CLP so why duplicate
·        Abolish the Examination
Lack of guidance from Master
·        Come up with guidelines/rules for Masters on how to treat pupils
Rules of Court
·        Organise briefings for pupils only
Transcribing - takes too long
·        Allocate more time for submission
·        Notes of proceedings to be sent more promptly
Land Office is very inefficient
·        Have a contact person to liaise with at the Land Office
·        Direct lines of persons in charge at the Land to be publicised on the website
E-filing - fees are expensive
·        Lower the rates of the subscription fees
Low remuneration
·        Set a standard increment schedule
·        Have a minimum wage for pupils
Unfriendly Court staff
·        Send them for training
File search takes too long
·        Speed up the process
E-filing - separate counters for filing and payment
·        Combine the counters
Counters at Court  close too early
·        Have longer operating hours

09 August 2012
PDC Seminar on the Effects of Divorce on Young Children and the Various Therapies Available
Lisa Sum, the Director of Training at the Agape Counselling Centre Malaysia presented the seminar which was held at the KL Bar Auditorium at 2.00pm. The seminar was attended by  42 participants.

10 August 2012
Pupils Introduction Session
The KL Bar Pupils Welfare Committee organised an additional introduction session for the month of August. This additional session, held on 10 August 2012 and attended by 95 pupils, was led by Ravin Singh and Harleen Kaur (Leena). Pupils were briefed on the structure of the Malaysian Bar and the KL Bar, the election to both the Bar Council and the KL Bar Committee and highlights of the Malaysian Bar. The introduction session included a session for pupils to raise issues and problems faced by them during their period of pupillage and also to come up with possible solutions. The issues raised and possible solutions suggested by the pupils at this session were:

Possible Solution
Low remuneration
·        Set a standard increment schedule
·        Have a minimum wage for pupils
·        Have a Remuneration Act for Pupils
Lack of leave/Medical Leave
·        Allocate leave entitlement during period of pupillage
Nature of work at the office
·        Bar Council to regulate and have guidelines
Too few payment counters in Court
·        Increase personnel
Rude Court staff
·        Remove them
·        Issue a Warning
Food at the Court Canteen
·        Have more variety
·        Have fast food outlets
E-filing - Server
·        Have 1 server per state instead of a combined server for the country
Ethics Exam
·        Instead of having to re-sit the whole paper, allow pupils to re-sit the part that they failed
·        Marks to be allocated on an average/overall instead of by sections
BM Exemption Certificate - why does one have to pay to prove that they passed their BM
·        Have a fixed fee for all payments and make it a one-off payment
9 Months pupillage - too short to learn everything
·        Have specialised and structured areas that all pupils have to learn during pupillage

14 August 2012
KLYLC Buka Puasa
About 30 members and pupils turned up for the Buka Puasa organised by the KL Bar Young Lawyers Committee (KLYLC) on 14 August 2012 at a Malay styled restaurant (with attap roof and all) in the middle of KL called “Tupai-Tupai.” Surrounded by greenery and there were even some chickens (in cages) at the entrance to the restaurant, it really gave the place a “kampong” feel to it and sent a subtle message to patrons that you have already “balik kampong” by just going there.  Click here for the full report and here for the photos.

29 August 2012
PWC Corporate Workshop for Pupils
The KL Bar Pupils Welfare Committee organised a corporate workshop specifically for pupils on 29 August 2012. Conducted by Ong Eu Jin and Sharanya Premanathan, the workshop on Drafting Commercial Contracts using Share Sale Agreement as a Case Study covered the following areas, “Overview: Negotiation, due diligence and drafting process”, “Commercial considerations”, Practical pointers including common mistakes when drafting”, “Salient clauses including consideration, condition precedent, completion, etc”, “Covenants and warranties by both Vendors and Purchasers”, “Boiler plate clauses” and “Remedies, for breach of contract”. 50 pupils attended the workshop.

30 August 2012
KLBC & SBC Get-together
The Annual Get-together between the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee (KLBC) and the Selangor Bar Committee (SBC) was held on 30 August 2012 at Shivz Grill in Bangsar Baru and was hosted by the KLBC. This annual get-together, normally held at the beginning of the new term but delayed due to many unforeseen circumstances, was for the office bearers of the KLBC and SBC to meet and get to know each other and to discuss how to work closely to cater to the mutual needs of members of both the KL Bar and Selangor Bar.

Edited by Jeremiah R. Gurusamy