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Showing posts from April, 2010

Report on KL Bar Young Lawyers Committee 2nd Meeting for the term 2010/2011

24 April 2010, Saturday ā€“ The KL Bar Young Lawyers Committee (ā€œ KLYLC ā€) held its 2 nd meeting for the term 2010/2011 at the swanky service apartment, The Ascott. Against the backdrop of the KLCC Twin Tower and the numerous construction sites around it, The Ascott proved to be an ideal venue for the young lawyers to meet and brainstormed fresh ideas for the next term. Attended by more than 25 young lawyers, the meeting was held for more than 2 hours. Among the programmes and events to look out for are University Visits by the young lawyers and the much-anticipated Charity Night. With so many ideas that range from ā€œpub golfā€, game night, traffic light party, marathon, futsal, bowling and animal rights, the new term looks set to be more vibrant than the last. Chair of the Committee, Lai Chee Hoe reminded everyone of the importance of Section 76 (2) of the Legal Profession Act 1976. For ease of reference, it is produced below: ā€œ Except and in so far as may be necessary for the purpos...

A Report on the ā€œOld/Disused Paper Collectionā€ Campaign

Acknowledgments I would like to thank Mr Roger Chan, the chairperson of the Environmental & Humanities Committee, for his relentless effort and unyielding support in ensuring the success of this campaign. Special thanks to Ms Yati, the Secretariat of the KL Bar, for co-ordinating the whole process and liaising with the Committee members from time to time. Last but not least, I would like to thank all the Committee members who are willing to take time out of their day and lend their hands to this campaign. 1. Introduction Background This yearā€™s campaign is actually a repeat of a likewise campaign organised last year. In fact, this campaign is made more meaningful this year due to the fact that it is held in conjunction with the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. It is also in line with the Committeeā€™s main project for this year ā€“ the Climate Change Campaign. The priority afforded to the old/disused paper collection can be seen from the fact that it has been listed on top of the Committe...

Invitation to serve on the KL Bar Information Technology Committee (ITC)

Dear Members/Pupils, This is a personal invitation from the Information Technology Committee. Last term ITC revamped the KL Bar website and even initiated a Flickr and Twitter account. This is of course, over and above the KL Bar Blog and KL Bar Facebook group, initiated in 2008. This term we are working towards a Telecommunications Collaboration with DIGI, and also to collaborate further with the Publications Committee to post entries on the KL Bar Blog. ITC also aims to create and amplify legal awareness on IT-related Laws. To do that, we wish to organise a mini-Law Conference on IT Law, and hold Forums. In addition, the Court Administration has indicated that IT usage for administration matters will likely increase. It is possible that Court processes like filing or sending letters, may go on-line. ITC will likely be involved in this, if called upon by the Courts. As such, we need help. We need lawyers who can support and assist in the proposed projects. We hope you would give us a ...

EHC - Old/disused paper collection on 20.04.2010

KL Bar Environmental and Humanities Committee 'Old/disused paper collection on 20.04.2010' in conjunction with the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day Forty years after the first Earth Day, the world is in greater peril than ever. While climate change is the greatest challenge of our time, it also presents the greatest opportunity ā€“ an unprecedented opportunity to build a healthy, prosperous, clean energy economy now and for the future. Earth Day 2010 is a pivotal opportunity for individuals, corporations and governments to join together and create a global green economy. In 2009, KL Bar Environmental & Humanities Committee as part of their awareness campaign has organised a simple event for members to participate in the Earth Day Celebrations. This involves encouraging all members to recycle on that day by holding an 'Old / disused paper collection' exercise at the KL Bar Secretariat. In 2010, we will continue with the success of last yearā€™s campaign. In fact, this camp...


Admission to the Bar in Kuala Lumpur 1 March - 31 March 2010 We congratulate and welcome the following members to the Bar: Siew Pak Thai Fauziana Binti Jailani Fatimah Zahrah Binti Ramli Lim Ee Shan Pairus Binti Samsudin Qhairawani Asyrani Binti Ruslan Attiyah Binti Yusoff Soo Chin Fook Mohamad Khairul Daim Bin Ahmad Shamsuri Mohamed Hadi Bin Abd Hamid Adillah Binti Othman Chew Sue Li Amarjit Kaur a/p Pritam Singh Mohd Kharip Shah Bin Yusof Abu Bakar Bin Mohamad Fuad Anga Anak Soret @ John Lawrence Cheh Keng Soon Keng Aik Mei Ng Boon Siong Nurshuhaida Binti Zainal Azahar Kong Si Ying Aida Binti Abdul Razak Lim Mun Kit Hazlina Binti Hambali Wan Solehah Binti Wan Mohamad Nurulhusna Binti Zainal Abidin Goh Chee Kang Daphine Chong Yee Leng Ahmad Nazneen Binti Zulkifli Mohd Azran Ariff Bin Azizan Maisyarah Binti Mohd Yusoff Nur Aini Syafawaty Binti Roslan Sharifah Alamiyah Binti Syed Ali Nur Najwa Binti Mohamad Shukeri ...