The idea of a KL Bar Blog was first mooted last term when the committee felt that it would be beneficial to have an open forum for members to ventilate their views on issues that affect them at the Bar.
I am happy to inform members that through the efforts of our IT chairman Richard Wee and his sub-committee, the KL Bar Blog has become a reality.
For the vast majority of members, you are caught up with work at the office and find little time to significantly participate in the activities of the KL Bar. The KL Bar Blog will offer you an opportunity to express your thoughts and your contributions will naturally benefit not only the members but also the KL Bar Committee who are here to serve all of you.
During the initial trial run period set at 3 months, the interactive capacity of the Blog will be disabled and you will get to see only the postings from members of the KL Bar Committee. At the end of the trial run, the committee intends to open the Blog to all members with the sole purpose of having an interactive discussion. When this happens there would naturally be guidelines on the use of the blog with some level of moderation.
The Blog is the first step taken by the KL Bar Committee to encourage a higher level of interaction with its members and we aim to reach out to members with a view to address concerns brought to our attention.
I certainly hope that when the Blog is opened to all members, postings on the Blog will be done in a responsible manner to ensure its continuity and availability for members.
Happy Blogging.
R.Ravindra Kumar
KL Bar Committee