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Showing posts from October, 2021

KLBC Activities Report For September 2021

4 September 2021  UNRAVELLING THE LEGAL PROFESSION | EN ROUTE TO PUPILLAGE: A GOOD CV, COVER LETTER & INTERVIEW Organised by the Young Lawyers Committee, this webinar was conducted by Choo Dee Wei and moderated by Sherylin Choy Pei Zhen. It was held via Zoom from 10:00am to 11:30am. We had 526 participants. 6 September 2021  DOCUMENTATION FOR SALE & PURCHASE OF VESSELS AND FINANCING Organised by the Professional Development Committee, this webinar was conducted by Joanne Long and moderated by Kuhanraj a/l N Manokaran. It was held via Zoom from 3:00pm to 5:30pm. We had 83 participants. 8 September 2021  ADVISING TECH COMPANIES AND STARTUPS FROM A LAWYER'S PERSPECTIVE: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES Organised by the Corporate & Conveyancing Practice Committee, this webinar was presented by Izwan Zakaria and moderated by Low Kok Jin. It was held via Zoom from 2:30pm to 4:30pm. The webinar covered, amongst others, ā€œThe role of a lawyer when it comes to advising a...

KLBC Activities Report For August 2021

#HARTALDOKTORKONTRAK On 26 July 2021 a nationwide strike known as #HartalDoktorKontrak was organised by the Medical Officers in Malaysia. The protest was against the government's contract system in appointing medical officers into the healthcare system. Upon the expiration of a five year contract with the government, there was no guarantee of a permanent position for the medical officer. In light of this protest, the Malaysian Medical Association reached out to the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee to help prepare a Frequently Asked Questions/Know Your Rights handbook for these medical officers. The handbook prepared was also in collaboration with the Medico Legal Society . THE KUALA LUMPUR BAR COMMITTEE COVID -19 VACCINE DELIVERY INITIATIVE Members and Pupils of Kuala Lumpur Bar who registered for the prioritised vaccination delivery initiative from 12 June to 16 July 2021 were called up for their vaccination appointments at MITEC, Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Ideal Conven...