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Showing posts from October, 2020

KLBC Activities Report For September 2020

1 and 28 September 2020 Briefing On Admission To The Bar Two briefings on Admission to the Bar were held for pupils who were to be admitted to the Bar in the month of September and October 2020. The briefings, conducted by Puan Hendon Mohamed, were held online via Zoom. The session on 1 September was attended by 150 pupils and the session on 28 September, 139 pupils. 2 September 2020 Pupils Introduction Session The Pupils Introduction Session in September was held online via Zoom. Led by Rajsurian Pillai, the session was attended by 63 pupils. The purpose of the Pupils Introduction Session is to introduce pupils to the structure of the Malaysian Bar and the Kuala Lumpur Bar, the election to both the Bar Council and the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee (ā€œKLBCā€) and the highlights of the Malaysian Bar. It included a session for pupils to raise issues and problems faced by them during their pupillage period. Also included in the said Pupils Introduction Session was a session on ā€œDiversity &...

KLBC Activities Report For August 2020

20 July to 7 August 2020 Sexual Harassment Awareness Campaign Co-organised by the Gender Equality and Diversity Committee and the Young Lawyers Committee, this campaign was initiated due to the influx of articles and posts on social media on sexual harassment and the call by many members for a positive step to be taken by the legal fraternity to combat sexual harassment to make working spaces safe and respectful. The Campaign was extended from 30 July 2020 to 7 August 2020 to allow more Firms to sign the Pledge Form. 4 August 2020 Q&A Session on Contractual Disputes Organised by the Professional Development Committee, this interactive webinar was conducted by Yudistra Darma Dorai and Lavinia Kumaraendran. It was held via Zoom Meeting from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm. We had 26 participants. 5 August 2020 Pupils Introduction Session The Pupils Introduction Session in August was held online via Zoom. Led by Rajsurian Pillai, the session was attended by 60 pupils. The purpose of the Pupils Int...