3 June 2020 and 24 June 2020 Pupils Introduction Session Two Pupils Introduction Sessions were held in June and due to CMCO, both sessions were held online via Cisco Webex. Led by Rajsurian Pillai, the session on 3 June 2020 was attended by 85 pupils and the one on 24 June 2020, by 83 pupils. The purpose of the Pupils Introduction Session is to introduce pupils to the structure of the Malaysian Bar and the Kuala Lumpur Bar, the election to both the Bar Council and the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee (“KLBC”) and the highlights of the Malaysian Bar. It included a session for pupils to raise issues and problems faced by them during their pupillage period. The other members of the KLBC also join in the online session to engage with the pupils and provide input and possible solutions to their problems. Also included in the said Pupils Introduction Sessions was a session on “Diversity & Inclusion” which aim was to educate and create awareness among the pupils on, inter alia, issues rela...