by Foong Cheng Leong Under Malaysian laws, what amounts to obscene, indecent, false, menacing or offensive in character is quite wide Sessions Court decisions perhaps the reasons why Section 114A of the Evidence Act 1950 was introduced A COUPLE of weeks ago, I received a message with the title "Looks can be deceiving!" on my blog's Facebook page, from an unknown user. In the message, the user claimed that a certain celebrity was having an affair with another celebrity. Unknown to the user, I happen to know former and I alerted that celebrity. A day after that, the user deleted her account! Fortunately, I saved a screenshot of the message. Coincidentally, I found that someone had searched for the celebrityās name on the day the message was sent and landed on my blog. My blog captured the transaction, together with the Internet Protocol (IP) address, time-stamp and other details. It was the only transaction searching for the celebrityās name. There was also...