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Showing posts from October, 2008

Urgent Notification - Judges who may be attending the LAWASIA Conference, 29 October to 1 November 2008

Dear KL Bar members, It has just been brought to the attention of the KLBC that the following Judges of the KL High Court may be attending the LAWASIA Conference. In the circumstances, cases fixed before these Judges from 29 to 31 October 2008 may be postponed. Members who have cases before the said Judges on the said dates are advised to check with the respective Courts whether their cases would be proceeding as scheduled or postponed. 1. Court D1 - YA Dato' Mohd Hishamudin bin Mohd Yunus 2. Court D4 - YA Dato' Rohana Yusuf 3. Court D5 - YA Datuk Ramly bin Haji Ali 4. Court D6 - YA Datuk Siti Mariah bt Hj Ahmad 5. Court D7 - YA Dato' T. Selventhiranathan 6. Court D8 - YA Dato' Kang Hwee Gee 7. Court S1 - YA Datuk Abdul Wahab bin Patail 8. Court S2 - YA Dato' Aziah bt Ali 9. Court S5 - YA Dato' Tee Ah Sing 10. Court RPP1 - Y.A. Puan Lau Bee Lan 11. Court J2 - YA Dato' Haji Mohamed Apandi Ali 12. Court J3 - YA Dato' Mohamad Zabidin bin Mohd Diah Yours fai...

Legal Career Fair 2009

As part of our project for the term, the KL Bar Pupils' Welfare Committee, will organise a Legal Career Fair 2009 to help Employers meet future Employees. The purpose of the Fair is to give Legal Firms a platform to reach out to potential pupils. PWC is made to understand that members have found it difficult to attract bright undergraduates to their firms. We hope this Fair can help our members to attract the best and the finest law students to your firms. Relevant information: Date : 17th January 2009 Time : 10.00am to 3.00pm Location : Legend Hotel's Ballroom, Kuala Lumpur The Local Universities and the many Private Law Schools are informed of this upcoming event. All Law Students are invited to attend the Fair, where no entry fee will be charged. There are 30 booth spaces available at RM1,500.00 per booth. The specification of the booth is 9sq/m shell which is inclusive of a side and back wall polycon partition 2.5m in height with aluminium profile system, an overhead fascia...

Important Announcement - Application for Renewal of Sijil Annual 2009

The Bar Council, as part of its cost-cutting measures, would no longer be distributing hard copies of the Sijil Annual application forms to individual members via post. Members may obtain the application form by the following means: Ā· Download from the links below or from the Malaysian Bar website by going into ; 1) SA Circular 2008 2) SA Guidelines 3) SA Checklist 4) SA Form 2008 5) Sijil Guaman (PC) or Ā· Collect a copy of the application form from the Bar Council Secretariat at Nos. 13, 15 & 17, Leboh Pasar Besar, 50050 Kuala Lumpur. Please take note that the Application must reach the Bar Council Secretariat by 15 November 2008. Brendan Navin Siva Hon. Secretary Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee


By Wong Ee Lynn Committee Member, Kuala Lumpur Bar Environmental Law Committee The desire to conserve a species or an important habitat seldom comes from the perusal of academic literature alone. For a person to feel strongly enough to want to protect a specie, direct contact is often necessary. It was with these goals in mind, namely, to foster an awareness of Malaysiaā€™s natural heritage in members of the KL Bar; to encourage KL Bar members to take an interest in conservation issues; and to instill a spirit of voluntarism in members of the KL Bar, that a seahorse data collection volunteering trip was organized to the Pulai River Estuary in Johor on 2nd ā€“ 3rd August 2008. The seahorse and pipefish data collection and monitoring project is initiated, coordinated and run by Save Our Seahorses (SOS) Malaysia, a non-profit research and conservation organization, and the Malaysian Nature Society Marine Special Interest Group. The two organizations have committed themselves to long-term co...

Attention pupils-in-chambers - Dialogue on the Ethics and Professional Standards Examination

The KL Bar Pupils Welfare Committee would like to invite all pupils to a Dialogue with Mr Steven Thiru, Chairman of the Bar Council Professional Standards & Development Committee (PSDC), on the Ethics and Professional Standards (EPS) Examination. Details as follows: Date : 4 November 2008 (Tuesday) Time : 5.00 p.m. Venue : KL Bar Auditorium 10th Floor, Wisma Kraftangan No. 9 Jalan Tun Perak, 50050 Kuala Lumpur Mr Steven Thiru will brief on the purpose for the EPS course and examination and the expectations of the PSDC. He will also address any concerns that pupils may have about the EPS examination. All pupils are strongly encouraged to attend this Dialogue to have a better understanding of the EPS examination. To facilitate arrangements, kindly confirm your attendance by e-mailing Melissa at . Thank you. Regards, Reggie Wong Chair KL Bar Pupils Welfare Committee

Relocation of Civil File Search Counter at the Kuala Lumpur Courts Complex

Dear members of the KL Bar, Relocation of Civil File Search Counter at the Kuala Lumpur Courts Complex We have been notified by the Deputy Registrar of the Civil Division of the KL High Court, that with effect from 20 October 2008, the Civil File Search Counter will be removed from the "Kaunter Bahagian Kuasa Mati" Level 2, Left Wing and relocated at the "Kaunter Pendaftaran Sivil" Level 1, Left Wing. Please click here to view the notification. Yours faithfully, Dahlia W.M. Lee Chairperson KL Bar Court Liaison Committee

Urgent Notification: Submission and Extraction of Draft and Fair Order / Judgment

Dear KL Bar members, The KLBC has received an email notification from the Senior Registrar of the Sessions and Magistrates' Courts informing that with effect from 15th October 2008, submission and extraction of draft and fair order / judgment will be made through ā€œKaunter Pengeluaran dan Penyerahan UPPā€. Please click here to view the email notification. Yours faithfully, Dahlia W.M. Lee Chairperson KL Bar Court Liaison Committee


Kuala Lumpur Bar takes pleasure in announcing that the Chief Justice Y.A.A. Tun Dato' Seri Abdul Hamid Bin Haji Mohamad has accepted our invitation to attend the aforesaid function. As it will be Tunā€™s last day of work as the Chief Justice, we hope that all will turn up to give Tun a warm sending off. Additionally, please take the once-a-year opportunity to mingle with officers of the judiciary in an informal environment where legal issues are not welcomed! The venue this year is at the trendy upmarket Rickā€™s CafĆ© Casablanca at One-Bangsar and to correspond with that, the theme for the night is ā€œCasablancaā€ or for the uninitiated, dressing is ā€œthe 40ā€™sā€ era. There is also lined-up for the evening, a spectacular act from a face-change artiste, which has to be seen to be believed! Places are limited so please get your passport to Casablanca as soon as possible- only one week to go! Tickets at RM55.00 each are available at the KL Bar Secretariat (Tel: 26933585) and the Left Wing Ba...


The Court has notified us that the Car Porch area of the Court Complex at Jalan Duta will be turned into a car-free zone to promote ease of access and safety for pedestrians thereat, save in 2 situations, namely, on rainy days and for the physically-disabled lawyers who will be allowed to be dropped off there. In view of this, the court has correspondingly demarcated the immediate external part of the porch as a drop-off zone for lawyers and which will be off limits to vans and taxis accordingly. Any lawyers who have mobility problems have to so inform the guards. Yours faithfully Dahlia W.M. Lee Chairperson Court Liaison Committee

Forum on Blogging & Defamation Laws

To all, The Information Technology Committee of KL Bar is organising a Forum. Below are the important info:- Title : Forum on Blogging & Defamation Laws Date : 23rd October 2008 Day : Thursday Time : 6 pm to 8 pm (But may stretch to 830pm) Location : Bar Council Auditorium. Entrance : Free Speakers:- 1. Jeff Ooi (Member of Parliament and Blogger) 2. Foong Cheng Leong (Advocate & Solicitor and Blogger) 3. Nizam Bashir (Advocate & Solicitor and Blogger) The Forum is open to the public. Feel free to attend. Should you have any enquiry, and  wish to book a place to sit , please contact KLBC's Executive Officer, Ms Melissa at  or at  603-2693 3585 Thanks richard wee Chair Information Technology Committee Kuala Lumpur Bar