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Showing posts from June, 2008

Charity Nite 2008: ā€œBattle of the Bandsā€ - In aid of Charity

Friday June 27, 2008 marked the annual KL Bar Young Lawyers Committeeā€™s Charity Nite. Now into its 4th edition, the Charity Nite, an annual event in the KL Bar events calendar was once again organized to raise money for its chosen charity this year - the Persatuan Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Klang. With an excess of 500 tickets already sold, and fresh from last yearā€™s success featuring the KL Bar Idols, this yearā€™s Charity Nite featured the 1st ever ā€˜Battle of the Bandsā€™ competition and was fast promising to be entertaining night to remember. This year, 5 bands comprising mainly of lawyers stepped up to lay claim to the best band in the KL Bar and yes, raise money for charity. The 5 Bands (Taikor Tai & the Ringtones, Will Sing for Petrol, Malayan Borneo Grasscutters Ninja Union Quartet, Its OK to Adjourn and Joe Latex and the Rubber Tappers) had been practicing furiously, in the hope that they would not disappoint their fans and crowd. Leading up to the battle, it was already 6 pm....

Proof Unnecessary, Suspicion is Enough

Contributed by Brendan Navin Siva The Kuala Lumpur Bar Criminal Practice Committee organised a Forum entitled ā€œPreventive Laws ā€“ Past, Present & Futureā€ at the Tun Mohamed Suffian Auditorium, Universiti Malaya on 28 June 2008 at 9.00 a.m. The speakers were Datoā€™ Muhammad Shafee Abdullah (representative from SUHAKAM ), Professor Dr. Shad Saleem Faruqi (from Universiti Teknologi Mara UiTM) and Mr M.M. Athimulan (Advocate & Solicitor). The Forum was moderated by N. Sivananthan, Chair of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Criminal Practice Committee. After the opening address by R. Ravindra Kumar, Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar, Datoā€™ Shafee was called upon to give his views on the state of preventive laws in Malaysia. Datoā€™ Shafee, formerly with the AGā€™s Chambers, formerly a Deputy Public Prosecutor and currently a member of the Bar Council, did not mince words. He said that the official position of SUHAKAM is that all preventive laws should be repealed. He however said that the preventive la...

Sports update : KL Bar v Royal Selangor Club (RSC)

KL Bar recently retained the Dato Harun Hashim's Challenge Trophy at the annual Sports Carnival with RSC. After 8 Competitive Sports discipline, the Carnival was tied at 4-4, but being the Defending Champion, KL Bar was awarded the Challenge Trophy. Led by it's Sports Captain, Anand Ponnudurai, the Team KL Bar performed splendidly to hold on to the coveted Trophy. Here is the summary of the results, with the winner named therein:- Badminton - KL Bar Cricket - RSC Tennis - KL Bar Soccer - RSC Hockey - RSC Netball - KL Bar Billiard / Pool - KL Bar Boatrace - RSC Regards, Richard Wee Chair Information Technology Committee KL Bar

Free Admission to the Forum

Kindly take note that the Forum on "Preventive Laws - Past, Present & Future", initially imposing an entrance fee, is now allowing free admittance. See Message below from KL Bar Committee. Thank you. Sincerely, Richard Wee Chair Information Technology Committee KL Bar Preventive laws! Detention without trial! Hearing it too often! What does it actually mean? Come find out for yourself in a Forum organised by the KL Bar Criminal Practice Committee. Speakers from Suhakam, The Bar, The University and possibly our HOME MINISTER himself! ...

KL Bar Paintball Battle

ā€œShoot the lawyers!!!ā€, was the battle cry. And boy, did we get shot. The Social and Arts Committee of the KL Bar Committee organised a paintball game at Tanamera, Sg Buloh on 14 June 2008 (Saturday). Everyone met at the Sg Buloh Jejantas Restaurant which was designated as the common meeting point around 9am before making the convoy to Tanamera. Upon arrival, everyone registered themselves to get their paintball gear which included a marker with 500 pellets, and a mask. A protective vest is optional for an extra RM10.00. For those who want a full camouflage outfit, they can rent it for RM5.00. Now does this place give a good bargain or what? Roll call started at around 10am. We joined the other players and were divided into 2 teams. The first scenario that we entered was the Vietcong Field. This scenario involved a hill and each team was stationed at the top and bottom of the hill. We played an elimination round where the objective of the game was to eliminate all the players in the o...

Forum on "Preventive Laws - Past, Present & Future" on 28.06.2008

Forum on "Preventive Laws - Past, Present & Future" on 28.06.2008 Preventive laws! Detention without trial! Hearing it too often! What does it actually mean? Come find out for yourself in a Forum organised by the KL Bar Criminal Practice Committee. Speakers from Suhakam, The Bar, The University and possibly our HOME MINISTER himself! Date: 28.06.2008 (Saturday) Time: 9.00a.m. Venue: Auditorium Tun Mohamed Suffian, Law Faculty, University of Malaya Speakers: Y.B. Dato' Seri Syed Hamid Bin Jaafar Albar (Home Minister) - To be confirmed Yg. Bhg. Dato' Muhammad Shafee Abdullah (SUHAKAM) Professor Dr. Shad Saleem Faruqi (UiTM) Mr. M.M. Athimulan (Advocate & Solicitor ) Moderator: Mr. N. Sivananthan (Chairman, Criminal Practice Committee)

"Battle of the Bands" - the KL Bar Young Lawyers Committee's Charity Nite 2008

Yes folks, it is that time of the year again. Once more, the KL Bar Young Lawyers Committee (YLC) is proud to showcase its annual Charity Nite. This year will be different from the previous years. Whilst, there may be no KL Bar Idol finals this year, but in its place, the YLC has lined up an exciting and rocking battle royale for you. I am now happy to announce the KL Bar YLCā€™s Battle of the Bands 2008! This year, on Friday, June 27 2008 at SaVanh Too, Plaza Mont Kiara, we will have the good fortune of being entertained by 5 very promising bands. Yes, amongst us we have our own talented rockers and bluesmen. Lawyers and friends of all walks of life and practice will come together to raise money for charity. Before I introduce the bands, let me say a few things about the charity that we have adopted this year. The Home that we have adopted this year is the Persatuan Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Klang Selangor. It has been the YLCā€™s tradition to adopt homes that aid children and/or the...

An Evening with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra

The Social, Arts and Culture Committee (ā€œSACā€) organised a trip to watch the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra performance on 31 May 2008 at the Dewan Philharmonic. The SAC were allocated 35 tickets which were all snapped up within 3 days. At around 8.15pm, the audience trickled in and the conductor, Hannu Lintu took the stage and opened the performance with Joseph Hadynā€™s Symphony No. 103 in E flat major. Hannu Lintuā€™s dynamic conducting is indeed entertaining and it is interesting to know that he is actually a rising star who was appointed as the Chief Conductor of the Tampere Philharmonic. This symphony is nicknamed ā€œThe Drumrollā€ because it begins with a long roll on the timpani. It took around 29 minutes to perform ā€œDrumrollā€ which was then followed by a 20 minute interval. The second piece was rather long and took up 77 minutes despite its short, little movement subtitled Purgatorio. The symphony No. 10 was written in 1910, which was Mahlerā€™s final composition and was only compl...

18th Annual Sports Carnival Between KL Bar and Royal Selangor Club

To all members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar and Pupils, The 18 th Annual ā€œSports Carnivalā€ between the Kuala Lumpur Bar and Royal Selangor Club for the YA Tan Sri Datoā€™ Harun Hashim Challenge Trophy will be held from 12 to 14 June 2008 . The games to be played are as follows: Game/Event Date Time Venue Convenor Tel. No. Hockey 12/6/2008 7.30 p.m. Stadium Tun Razak, Jalan Duta Khairul Idham 20951188 Badminton 12/6/2008 8.00 p.m. SBA Hall A I Nathan 20266577 Squash 13/6/2008 7.00 p.m. RSC Dataran TBA Darts 13/6/2008 7.30 p.m. RSC Dataran Anand Ponnudurai 20932355 Cricket 14/6/2008 1.30 p.m. RSC Kiara Alex Nandaseri De Silva 20958686 ...
Appeal for Funds for the 4 Bar members detained under the ISA Dear members of the KL Bar, I refer to my e-mail appeal of 28.05.2008 and wish to thank all those members who have contributed towards the fund thus far. Whilst we note and appreciate the contributions made, we would like to take this opportunity to appeal to those who have not yet made a contribution to consider doing so. Any amount contributed would go towards assisting and alleviating the financial position of the families of the 4 members of the Bar. The 4 families are truly and urgently in need o...

Coming Soon - Charity Nite 2008

Launch of Malaysian Bar & Direct Access MASTERCARD

All members of the Bar are invited to attend the launch of the Malaysian Bar/Direct Access Mastercard Credit Card.